Tag Archives: glam metal

Generation Swine

I never really dug Motley Crue. I was aware of them, thanks to MTV’s saturation (well in full swing already) and kids at my school who were freshmen when I was a sophomore. As I observed in art class, they were often unabashed Crue fanatics. But for whatever reason, the appeal of Motley Crue completely passed me by. Maybe I wasn’t part of the proper generation.

Years later, in 1997, I Nineties nineties nineties the nineties, by which I mean I was working in a Media Play’s CD department as a glorified stockboy. This was the time during which I consumed so much of the now-extinct 90’s soft drink SURGE that a sore the size of a dime opened up at the back of my throat, and where I learned to channel my anger by discreetly smashing merchandise with a rubber mallet. Much of the Media Play era has been depicted in Bands I Useta Like strips, like the Squirrel Nut Zippers one. There’s still enough left to fill a book on its own. Continue reading

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Filed under Bad Influences, Eatable Things, Faint Signals, Idiot's Delight, Nostalgic Obsessions