A harsh truth of reality: not every movie gets a sequel, and this isn’t a bad thing. Only one thing grants a movie a sequel; money.
Money and passion are often confused by consumers. They feel the same, in many ways, and they produce similar results. But for creative people, money and passion are completely different creatures. The latter is fuel, and the former is a means to an end. You can possess a passion; money, you can only hold. Continue reading →
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Filed under Bad Influences, Faint Signals, Late To The Party, Movies You Missed, Nostalgic Obsessions, Saturday Movie Matinee
Tagged as 2006, Bands I Useta Like, behind the scenes, Betamax, Bumfights, Ceaseless Fables of Beyonding, comedy, Consumption Junction, despair, Facebook, Gary Coleman, Indecline, John's Arm:Armageddon, Killing of a Chinese Bookie, laughter, Marvel comics, Mike the Pod, Mila Kunis, movies, music, Star Wars, Stuff (magazine), The Betamax Rundown, underground, Vincent Van Gogh, YouTube
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