Last night, as I returned to my apartment from the laundry, I heard a great rustle in the trees that formed the property buffer. Instinctively, I looked up to the spot where the leaves shook in the darkness, and saw the responsible party.
Last night, as I returned to my apartment from the laundry, I heard a great rustle in the trees that formed the property buffer. Instinctively, I looked up to the spot where the leaves shook in the darkness, and saw the responsible party.
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Filed under Bad Influences, Don't Know Don't Care, Idiot's Delight, Podcastery, Site Stuff, Worst Of All
Tagged as 1990s, 1999, 2000s, corporate crap, ebaumsworld, Entertainment Weekly, Fight Club, Flash, GoFundMe, goons, Internet, laughter, memes, Mike the Pod, Newgrounds, old internet, piracy, sellouts, Sifl & Olly, Something Awful, Space Moose, suicide, television, Tool, Uwe Boll, Who Are These Podcasts?, whores
(This article originally appeared in a less edited form on Mike The Pod, 7/11/11. Please note that since then, there has been a fourth Transformers, which grossed over a billion dollars, and there’s a fifth on the way in 2017. There is a schedule of yearly releases stretching a decade into the future, the same as Marvel, and Disney’s Star Wars.)
SPOILERS covers all three movies in the Michael Bay Transformers trilogy (until it becomes a quadrilogy, or quintology, which I wouldn’t complain about).
If this article becomes too insular for you, dear reader, may I heartily recommend you to tfwiki.com. Mostly because I’ll be goddamned if I’m going to link every whatsit on this page. If you’re a repeat visitor that doesn’t like it when I go off about robots, this is going to make you hate my guts. Continue reading →
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Filed under Bad Influences, Faint Signals, Idiot's Delight, Movies You Missed, Nostalgic Obsessions, Robot Toy Fetish, Saturday Movie Matinee, Unfairly Maligned
Tagged as #tbt, 1980s, 1986, 2007, 2009, 2011, Apocalypse Now, corporate crap, Die Hard, Don Murphy, George Lucas, Gremlins, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, metal, Michael Bay, Mike the Pod, movies, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Roger Ebert, Star Wars, Steven Spielberg, The Transformers: The Movie, toys, Transformers, Uwe Boll, vintage toys
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