Tag Archives: White Knights

The Uncivil War

At this moment, there is a war raging. Not a war on Christmas, or periods, or a foreign nation.

Battle of KekaLOLga

Battle of KekaLOLga

A war between People Who Think, and People Who Feel.

The Thinkers always win. The Feelers always lose, unless they can game the rules. But lose they will, because the world is cruel. Especially for children and little things. Continue reading

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Filed under Don't Know Don't Care, Idiot's Delight, Uncategorized, Worst Of All


On the Internet, a “White Knight” is someone who rushes to defend a stranger they perceive as slighted, usually for attention. The most prodigious example is lonely men, who sniff out drama in women’s online profiles like pigs hunting truffles. These guys engage in a “Backhanded Courtship”, where instead of paying compliments on a woman’s appearance, they announce that they accept her flaws, unlike “the others”.


This is because White Knights are absolute psychopaths. Continue reading

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Filed under Bad Influences, Faint Signals, Idiot's Delight, Nostalgic Obsessions, Thousand Listen Club